Google Apps Integration

We are happy to announce the Google Apps integration for With a couple of clicks your are now able to integrate into your business.

Just use Integrate with Google Apps to start using Make sure that you finalize the setup after the integration in the apps configuration.

Google Apps admin console

In the Google Apps admin console select Marketplace Apps. If you don’t see that option, click the More controls pane at the bottom and find the Marketplace Apps there.


Select the “” application and switch to the Settings tab where you then can select Go to for setup. setup

On the setup page you should see the following form with your domain already entered for you. You just have to provide your company name and an email address of a Google Apps domain administrator to start synchronize your domain users to

Now you and your users are ready to use with the Google Single-Sign-On functionality without any additional account.

Happy vacations!

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About the author

Franziskus Domig

Franziskus Domig has been working and developing rich frontend applications for comSysto GmbH since 2012. He works with JavaScript, Java, HTML5 and Database Systems. Particularly with AngularJS, Spring, Bootstrap and MongoDB.

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