General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) Preparations
11 Apr 2018 by BernhardWe are currently reworking our Data Privacay Policy for the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR).
Google Apps Integration
18 Sep 2014 by Franziskus DomigWe are happy to announce the Google Apps integration for With a couple of clicks your are now able to integrate into your business.
How-to videos (part 2)
01 Sep 2014 by Fabius SteinbergerThis blog post is part 2 of our in-depth series on how to use This time, we’re demonstrating adding new employees, editing holiday settings and checking your capacity.
Learn how makes absence management easy for HR
26 Aug 2014 by Fabius SteinbergerWe strive to make absence management as easy and efficient as possible. An important step to get there is providing HR and people managers with the right tools. To show to you how to setup your company in, we created a short video. Learn how to add new employees, organize your employees in teams and adjust absence types as well as relevant holidays.
How-to videos (part 1)
25 Aug 2014 by Fabius SteinbergerWe recorded a couple of explainatory videos for first-time users. So if you’d like to know how to book time off or if you’re just curious how to call in sick using, you might want to check out the following three videos.
How we use MongoDB in the cloud
05 Aug 2014 by Franziskus DomigAt we love the cloud and use various services and solutions to adapt and scale quickly. We develop our back end application with Java and use MongoDB as our main storage solution. So we needed a application hosting and storage solution in the cloud. With this article I am going to describe what helped us to quickly develop a great product with the support of MongoSoup - the first German-based MongoDB cloud hosting solution.
Configurable holidays and absence types
28 Jul 2014 by Julio HerceToday, we want to introduce two new features that are more related with the HR management.
World Cup theme
06 Jun 2014 by Franziskus DomigThe World Cup 2014 in Brasil is upcoming and that lead us to give you already some soccer feeling with teamgeist. We have added an additional soccer theme that you could select in your user settings on your profile page. Go checkout the new theme at and let us know what you think in the comments.
27 May 2014 by Franziskus DomigFeature news! We added a capacity calculator to your teams. So this means you now can plan your projects, sprints, events, etc. accordingly. Check out the capacity of your teams.
You are able to change the time span that should be included in your calculation. Additionally you can enable/disable each team member separately. The vizualisation can be configured to include or exclude weekends and public holidays if you like.
Please let us know what you think in the comments. If you do not have an account yet, you can register your company at
02 May 2014 by Fabius is an app for the work environment of the 21. century. A world in which distributed teams work self-dependently, with flexible hours and flat hierarchies. There are many reasons why your team members may be absent, such as home office, vacation, sickness, education and training, or parental leave.
With, teams can coordinate their collaboration - simply and fast. No more spreadsheets, rules and bureaucracy. Let take care of absence planning and reclaim your time for what’s important to you. Whether in your company, at university, in projects or teams of freelancers: democratizes collaboration and makes it more productive.
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